New Specialized bike leaked by Sagan and Os at Tour de France

New Specialized bike leaked by Sagan and Os at Tour de France

Update: The new Specialized Aetos model was released on October 8. Read our review of the Specialized Aetos. Original article continues below.

Peter Sagan and Daniel Oss posted photos of their yet-to-be-released Specialized bikes on social media hours after the finish of stage 18 of the Tour de France.

In the first of four photos posted, Oss is riding a matte black bike that follows a traditional frame shape design. The bike forgoes modern trends such as dropped seat stays and integrated cockpits, but retains the braking power of disc brakes.

In the second of four photos, the gold Specialized "S" logo on the head tube reveals the branding; in the third photo, the male is posed lifting the bike, seemingly suggesting that the bike is lightweight.

Os captioned the post, "TDF is great, but I can't wait to break the rules a bit and ride on my new machine after the race is over. I love that Specialized cares about the ride! (And Peter, please don't touch me!) Always will. #breaktherules"

The post suggests this is a deliberate play by Specialized, which has a history of leaking its own products, including leaking the Tarmac SL7 via the Ride App. Os' "break the rules" language further suggests that the bike is lightweight. A review of the Specialized Tarmac SL7 shows that it easily reaches the UCI limit of 6.8 kg, so if the new bike were to go lighter again, it would certainly be illegal in UCI competition.

Peter Sagan then reposted Os' Instagram post, but he passed up the opportunity to respond to Os' "don't touch" instructions.

Despite Specialized adding "Vaunt" to the list of UCI-approved frames and forks and then removing it, the comments seem to suggest that it will be called Aethos, but apparently no new model name is given. The list shows that neither Vaunt nor Aethos currently exists.

Like the name, no release date has been given, but comments suggest that it will be released on September 22, two days after the Tour de France closes in Paris.

As always, Cycling News will provide more details as soon as the launch takes place.
